Our Story

Hello, and thank you for visiting our site. As you can see, we have a huge selection of fishing rod products to fit every need. Although we specialize in fly rods, we are a full-service company.

I have built rods for every type of customer – whether your fishing high mountain creeks, streams, rivers, lakes, or your slamming huge tuna we've got you covered.

Our materials are unparalleled and our craftmanship is top-shelf. I have combined a lifetime of fishing and rod building know how to build you the rod of your dreams. We use the best of the best. You could choose a very nice "other" brand rod, (and there are definitely some great companies out there with big names) but you will spend a whole lot and have a rod that looks exactly like the guy down the streets rod. If that's your thing, no problem, I can probably get you most blanks and build one for you to your specs. However, I have to say, here and now, that  Rainshadow and Forecast are the best of the best. I know – I build them and fish them. And I have had just about everything out there at one time or another.

We here at Living Water do not compromise or bow down. We simply build the absolute finest rods, just how the customer wants and needs them. I take extreme pride in each and every rod we build.

How does it work? When you order a custom fishing rod, we build it by hand just for you, your colors, your handle, your specs and tolerances. We are very proud of our creations. We do custom weaves, butt wraps, and use a wide range of materials and media to create that perfect product just for your hands.

I always say... "You have worked hard your whole life, your fishing time is limited, don't fish with trash!" My name is Jeremy Loyd and I build fishing rods!

Jeremy Loyd
Living Water Custom Equipment LLC

Hi, I'm Ashley, Jeremys wife!

I am learning how to build rods. I grew up with disabilities all through school and at times they have stopped me from doing things that I enjoy doing, but that's not the case today. Today I am able to have the patience and to focus on things that are important and fun like building rods. Being in this business with my husband is so amazing. I never thought that I would be able to do these things. It warms my heart and gives me something to be passionate about as well and being able to let my creativity come out in the rods and the pleasure of making our customers happy. When it comes to rod building my husband is a patient man however he is extremely particular. At first it annoyed me but as I finalized my first rod i realized that not only did i feel rewarded but that it was absolutely perfect. When we handed it to the customer it was completely flawless, symmetrical and beautiful to look at. Rod building has changed my life and I can never go back to the way that I used to live. My name is Ashley Loyd and I build fishing rods. 

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